======================== = EMAC INC. = POB 2042 = CARBONDALE, IL 62902 = = 618-529-4525 PHONE = 618-457-0110 FAX = www.emacinc.com = support@emacinc.com ======================== The contents of this folder are: readme.txt This file example1.85 Sample source file for the Intel 8085 ma85.exe The executable file of the 8085 Cross Assembler mcasm#1.doc The file containing the documentation order#1.frm The file containing the ready to print registration form PRIMER_95-98.HT Hyperterminal (tm) Configuration file for Win95/98 PRIMER_XP-2K-NT.ht Hyperterminal (tm) Configuration file for WinXP/2000/NT Uploading a HEX file to the Primer in EMOS.txt Instructions on using Hyperterminal (TM) with EMOS Uploading a HEX file to the Primer in MOS.txt Instructions on using Hyperterminal (TM) with MOS traintst.asm 8085 assembly language source code demo program traintst.obj Intel Hex file generated by the assembler traintst.hex Renamed Intel Hex file generated by the assembler Note that the shareware assembler MA85.EXE generates Intel hex files with the extension ".OBJ" instead of ".HEX". The file TRAINTST.HEX was included so the documentation files didn't have to be rewritten. It is the same as the TRAINTST.OBJ file.