All NetWare Products Installation Notes for PRO/100+ Server and Client Adapters in Novell NetWare* Operating Systems CONTENTS - NETWARE 5.0 SERVER DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES - NETWARE* 3.12 AND 4.1x SERVER DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES o Sample Load Commands o General Instructions o Hints and Tips - NETWARE* 3.11 AND 4.0x SERVER DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES o Overview o Sample Load Commands o General Instructions o Hints and Tips - NETWARE SERVER DRIVER LOAD LINE PARAMETERS - NETWARE* CLIENT 32 FOR WINDOWS* 95 o General Instructions - NETWARE CLIENT 32 FOR DOS/WINDOWS 3.1X o General Instructions o Hints and Tips o Sample Configurations - NETWARE* OS/2* ODI CLIENT DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES o Sample Configuration Files o Introduction o General Instructions o Hints and Tips o NET.CFG Optional Parameters o Detailed Example - NETWARE* DOS ODI CLIENT DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES o Quick Installation o Sample Configuration Files o General Installation for NetWare 3.11/3.12 Clients o General Installation for NetWare 4.1/3.12 Client with VLMs o NET.CFG Optional Parameters o Detailed Example - NETWARE* CLIENT SERVICES FOR WINDOWS NT 4.0 USING ODI SERVER DRIVER o General Instructions - NETWARE 5.0 SERVER DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES ============================================ NetWare 5 ships with drivers for the PRO/100+ Adapters. Base functionality (ie connection) can be obtained with the drivers on the NetWare 5 CD. To obtain full feature functionality, use the drivers from the Configuration and Driver CD. NetWare 5 will use either the ODI Assembly Specification v3.31 or ODI C Specification v1.11. Location of driver: \NWSERVER\E100B.LAN (ODI Assembly Specification version 3.31) \NWSERVER\CE100B.LAN (ODI C Specification version 1.11) **IMPORTANT** When using command line options with the .LAN driver for NWSERVER, make sure the equal sign is followed by a value. Otherwise, unpredictable results may occur. Support NLMS, ETHERTSM, MSM, and NBI are included with the NetWare 5 CD LOAD lines and parameters are the same used in NetWare 4.1x, refer to that section for more detail. *** *** *** *** *** *** - NETWARE* 3.12 AND 4.1x SERVER DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES ======================================================= These instructions are for use with the ODI Assembly Specification v3.31 NLMs. The \NWSERVER\E100B.LAN driver on this disk is written to this specification. To load the driver on NetWare 4.10 or 3.12 requires updated ETHERTSM, MSM and the new NBI.NLM. Obtain these files from Novell's automated services. Location of driver: \NWSERVER\E100B.LAN (ODI Assembly Specification version 3.31) Location of NLMs: Novell's automated services (ODI33F.EXE or greater) NOTE: ODI33x.EXE is a Novell archive that contains the latest server NLMs and support files. The x in ODI33x.EXE is subject to change with each new release of the archive. For NetWare 4.1x: NBI.NLM (ver 1.64, 08/29/97 or newer) MSM.NLM (ver 3.71, 12/02/97 or newer) ETHERTSM.NLM (ver 3.61, 12/08/97 or newer) For NetWare 3.12: NBI31X.NLM (ver 1.64, 08/29/97 or newer) MSM31X.NLM (ver 3.71, 12/02/97 or newer) ETHERTSM.NLM (ver 3.61, 12/08/97 or newer) Note: NBI.NLM (or NBI31X.NLM) must be loaded before MSM and ETHERTSM. NetWare 3.12 needs MSM31X.NLM renamed to MSM.NLM. If the older 3.30 ODI Assembly Specification is required on your server, this driver is located in: \NWSERVER\3X4X.OLD\E100B.LAN Sample load commands ==================== LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=n FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 BIND IPX TO E100B NET=xxxxxxxx **IMPORTANT** When using command line options with the .LAN driver for NWSERVER, make sure the equal sign is followed by a value. Otherwise, unpredictable results may occur. General Instructions ==================== 1 Install NetWare 3.12 or 4.10 according to the NetWare instructions. 2 Copy the PRO/100+ server driver (\NWSERVER\E100B.LAN) and any updated NLMs, to the NetWare server's hard drive. If you can't log in to the server (before starting the server) copy the E100B.LAN driver from the \NWSERVER directory on the Configuration and Drivers disk to the root directory of the server's hard drive. If you can log into the server, copy the driver to the SYSTEM subdirectory. If you do this, you won't need to specify a path on the load line. If you copy it to another directory, make sure the LOAD statement includes the correct path. 3 Start the server. At the server console, load NBI, MSM and ETHERTSM (for NetWare 3.12 load NBI31X, MSM31X and ETHERTSM) in this order. Next, load and bind the server driver as follows: LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=x FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 BIND IPX TO E100B NET=xxxxxxxx Where: SLOT=x Specifies the NBI (NetWare Bus Interface) slot number. Substitute x with the valid value for the adapter. You will be prompted with the slot number(s) of installed PRO/100+ adapters. The NBI numbers are different from the slot number indicated in the SETUP.EXE utility. NET=xxxxxxxx is the unique network address for that LAN segment. The default frame type is 802.2. If your workstation needs to use the 802.3 frame type, see the section later in this document about using multiple frame types on one adapter. 4 Add the load and bind statements you need to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file so the PRO/100+ adapter driver loads automatically each time the server starts. Hints and tips -------------- 1 If the error message "Loader cannot find public symbol: " is encountered: Upgrade the ETHERTSM.NLM and MSM31x, or MSM.NLM and be sure to rename MSM31x.NLM to MSM.NLM 2 Installing multiple adapters: If you have multiple adapters in a single server, each adapter must have a different NET number and SLOT number. Also, you may want to name each adapter. For example: LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=3 NAME=LAN_A BIND IPX TO LAN_A NET=222 LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=4 NAME=LAN_B BIND IPX TO LAN_B NET=333 3 If you have problems loading the driver on multiple adapters and the initialization fails due to "Insufficient RCBs," increase the number of buffers allocated to the server. Add the following to STARTUP.NCF: SET MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS = 100 (or larger) The MINIMUM value you specify should be at least 100 times the number of PRO/100+ adapters in the computer. The MAXIMUM you can specify depends on the amount of memory in the server, but it must be greater than the MINIMUM. This can be set in the AUTOEXEC.NCF: SET MAXIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS = 500 (or larger) 4 Installing one adapter with multiple frame types: When binding multiple frame types to one adapter, enter a LOAD and BIND statement for each frame type. Each LOAD statement uses the same SLOT number, but each BIND statement needs a unique network number. You must also include a name on each load line to avoid being prompted for the adapter to bind IPX to. Example: LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 NAME=LAN8022 BIND IPX TO LAN8022 NET=88888 LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 NAME=LAN8023 BIND IPX TO LAN8023 NET=77777 5 Optional LOAD line parameters. See the NetWare Server Driver LOAD Line Parameters section for additional information. *** *** *** *** *** *** - NETWARE* 3.11 AND 4.0x SERVER DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES ============================================== Location of driver: \NWSERVER\311LAN\E100B.LAN (ODI 3.2 Assembly Specification driver) Location of NLM's: On Novell's automated services. ETHERTSM.NLM 04-18-95 LSLENH.NLM 12-21-94 PATCHMAN.NLM 01-22-96 MSM31X.NLM 11-23-94 MONITOR.NLM 10-26-92 (v1.75 or higher, otherwise abends will occur) Note: NetWare 3.1x needs MSM31X.NLM renamed to MSM.NLM. Overview -------- NetWare 3.11 and 4.0x requires an ODI 3.2 Assembly Specification driver. This driver is in the \NWSERVER\311LAN\ directory of the Configuration and Drivers disk. The directory contains the following files: E100B.LAN (3.2 spec server driver) E100B.LDI (Installation file) NW311.TXT (Installation Instructions file) Sample Load Commands -------------------- LOAD C:\PATCHMAN LOAD C:\LSLENH LOAD C:\MSM LOAD C:\ETHERTSM LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=n FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 BIND IPX TO E100B NET=xxxxxxxx General Instructions -------------------- 1 Install NetWare 3.11 according to the NetWare 3.11 installation manual. 2 Copy the E100B.LAN server driver and any updated NLMs to the NetWare server's hard drive. If you can't log in to the server (before starting the server) copy the E100B.LAN driver to the root directory of the server's hard drive. If you can log into the server, copy the files to the SYSTEM subdirectory. If you do this, you won't need to specify a path on the load line. If you copy it to another directory, make sure the LOAD statement includes the correct path. 3 Modify the server's STARTUP.NCF to preallocate server buffers with the following: SET MAXIMUM PHYSICAL RECEIVE PACKET SIZE = 2048 (or larger) 4 Start the server. At the server console, issue the load and bind statement. LOAD C:\PATCHMAN LOAD C:\LSLENH LOAD C:\MSM LOAD C:\ETHERTSM LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=x FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 BIND IPX TO E100B NET=xxxxxxxx Where: SLOT=x specifies the PCI device number. Substitute x with the valid value for the adapter. You will be prompted if you don't specify a slot number. NET=xxxxxxxx is the unique network address for that LAN segment. The default frame type is 802.2. If your workstations needs to use the 802.3 frame type, see the section later in this document about using multiple frame types on one adapter. 5 Add the load and bind statements you need to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file so the PRO/100+ adapter driver loads automatically each time the server starts. Hints and Tips ============== 1 Installing multiple adapters: If you have multiple adapters in a single server, each adapter must have a different NET number and SLOT number. Also, you may want to name each adapter. For example: LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=3 NAME=LAN_A BIND IPX TO LAN_A NET=222 LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=4 NAME=LAN_B BIND IPX TO LAN_B NET=333 2 If you have problems loading the driver on multiple adapters and the initialization fails due to "Insufficient RCBs," increase the number of buffers allocated to the server. Add the following to STARTUP.NCF: SET MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS = 100 (or larger) The MINIMUM value you specify should be at least 100 times the number of PRO/100+ adapters in the computer. The MAXIMUM you can specify depends on the amount of memory in the server, but it must be greater than the MINIMUM. This can be set in the AUTOEXEC.NCF: SET MAXIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS = 500 (or larger) 3 Installing one adapter with multiple frame types: When binding multiple frame types to one adapter, enter a LOAD and BIND statement for each frame type. Each LOAD statement uses the same SLOT number, but each BIND statement needs a unique network number. You must also include a name on each load line to avoid being prompted for the board to bind IPX to. Example: LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 NAME=LAN8022 BIND IPX TO LAN8022 NET=88888 LOAD C:\E100B SLOT=3 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 NAME=LAN8023 BIND IPX TO LAN8023 NET=77777 4 Optional LOAD line parameters. See the NetWare Server Driver LOAD Line Parameters section for additional information. *** *** *** *** *** *** - NETWARE SERVER DRIVER LOAD LINE PARAMETERS ========================================== FORCEDUPLEX: Duplex modes: Auto-negotiate: The adapter negotiates with the switch/hub how to send/receive packets, either full or half duplex. If unsuccessful at negotiating the duplex, the adapter defaults to half duplex. You must have an auto-negotiating switch/hub (an Nway* switch) to get full duplex support with the FORCEDUPLEX parameter set to 0 (auto- negotiation). Full duplex: The adapter sends and receives packets at the same time. This improves the performance of your adapter. Set duplex mode to full duplex ONLY if you have a hub/switch that supports full duplex. Half duplex: The adapter performs one operation at a time. It either sends or receives. Note: The PRO/100B T4 adapter does not support full duplex at 100 Mbps, nor does the T4 adapter support Auto-Negotiation, or Nway. The PRO/100+ TX adapter does not have any of these limitations. Syntax: FORCEDUPLEX=n Where n=0 auto-negotiate (PRO/100+ TX adapter only) 1 half duplex 2 full duplex Note: If the adapter is set to half or full duplex, set the SPEED parameter to either 10 or 100. (see SPEED below) Default: auto-negotiation (PRO/100+ TX adapter) half duplex (PRO/100B T4 adapter) Examples: PRO/100+ TX (100 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX=2 SPEED=100 PRO/100+ TX (10 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX=2 SPEED=10 PRO/100B T4 (100 Mbps full duplex): Not Supported PRO/100B T4 (10 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX=2 SPEED=10 SLOT (required): For PCI adapters, SLOT is derived from bus number and device location as defined by the PCI specification. One way to determine the slot number is to load the driver from the command line. You'll be prompted with valid device number(s) for the adapter(s). Select one of them. Syntax: SLOT=n (n = 1,2,3,4,...) SPEED: Specifies the speed the driver uses. If you don't use this parameter, the driver automatically detects the network speed. If unable to autosense, the driver defaults to 10 Mbps. NOTE: You must set the SPEED parameter to either 10 or 100 if you're setting the FORCEDUPLEX parameter to either half or full. If you use this parameter, the driver operates at the specified speed instead of auto-detecting network speed. Syntax: SPEED=n (n = 10 or 100) Default: The adapter automatically senses speed. NODE: Specifies a local administered address (LAA) unique to each adapter. Use this option to provide your own unique node address for the adapter. The node address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number; the second digit must be one of the following digits: 2, 6, A, E. Syntax: NODE=xnxxxxxxxxxx n = 2, 6, A, E x = hexadecimal number Default: The adapter's assigned address. FRAME: Indicates one of four valid frame types the system is transmitting and receiving. Syntax: FRAME=n n = Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_802.3 Ethernet_II Ethernet_SNAP Default: Ethernet_802.2 TXTHRESHOLD: Represents the threshold for transmits from extender SRAM FIFO (output buffer). Syntax: TXTHRESHOLD=n (n = number of 8 bytes) For example, 16 represents 16x8 (or 128 bytes). In this case, the LAN controller transmits after copying 128 bytes from the host memory. Default: dynamically set The maximum number that you can specify is 200 (200x8=1600 bytes) which ensures there will not be any underruns. *** *** *** *** *** *** - NETWARE* CLIENT 32 FOR WINDOWS* 95 ================================== Use of Client 32 for Windows 95 with the 32-bit ODI driver is no longer supported by Novell or Intel. No testing or effort has been made to validate it. Please use the appropriate NDIS driver for Client 32. *** *** *** *** *** *** - NETWARE* CLIENT 32 FOR DOS/WINDOWS 3.1X ======================================= 1 From the Novell NetWare Client 32 software, run INSTALL.EXE. 2 Select the NetWare Client 32 products you want to install from the on your workstation from the list: [X] NetWare Client 32 for DOS [X] NetWare Client 32 for Windows [ ] NetWare TCP/IP protocol stack [ ] NetWare IP (TCP/IP Required) [ ]Desktop SNMP [ ] HOSTMIB for SNMP (SNMP Required) [ ] NetWare TSA for SMS Note: "NetWare Client 32 for DOS" and "NetWare Client 32 for Windows" are usually selected by default. 3 From the Customize Support for Windows menu, specify if you want to use multiple country codes or if you want to set the shared Windows path. The default for both of these is NO. 4 From the Select LAN Driver Type menu, select "32-bit LAN drivers". 5 From the 32-Bit Network Board Drivers menu, select "USER SPECIFIED 32 BIT DRIVER" Insert the driver diskette and type :\NWSERVER, select: "Intel(R) PRO/100+ LAN Adapter" 6 Specify the following settings for the PRO/100+ adapter: Parameter Default ------------- ------- Speed (100B only) 0 (auto detect) IOMAPMODE Memory Mapped Forceduplex 0 (auto negotiate) Frame Type Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_802.3 Note: The default settings will work for most installations. If you use multiple frame types, please see Hints and Tips section below. 7 From the Installation Configuration Summary, verify the default settings for Client 32 are correct, or modify as necessary. Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS [YES] Client Directory: C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32 Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS LAN driver type: 32-bit LAN drivers LAN driver: Intel(R) PCI Adapters 8 Novell NetWare will now copy the files to your workstations and modify the configuration files to match your selected configuration. Hints and tips -------------- 1 If you are using multiple frame types, you will get the following message when you load the driver: "Do you want to load another frame type for a previously loaded board? Y/N " The way to avoid this is to add the slot number to the load line for the driver in the STARTNET.BAT (by default it is located in the \NOVELL\CLIENT32 directory). The only way to determine the slot number Novell is expecting is to put an invalid value on the load line. For example (and the load line should be all on one line): LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\E100B.LAN SPEED=0 IOMAPMODE=0 FORCEDUPLEX=0 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 SLOT=e When you next reboot, you will be prompted with the correct value. Modify the STARTNET.BAT again, and use that value. If the slot is not specified correctly, only the first frame type will load. . You can remove the parameters for Speed, Forceduplex and Iomapmode if you want to use the default. This may make your STARTNET.BAT file easier to use. 2 Check for a LASTDRIVE statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. You must have LASTDRIVE=Z in config.sys when using Client 32. 3 Verify that you have FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = F in the NET.CFG file under the NetWare DOS Requester section. Note: NET.CFG is position sensitive, so be careful to indent lines with one space or one tab as shown above in the example. 4 Verify that the PRO/100+ adapter passes the diagnostics test by running SETUP.EXE on the Configuration and Drivers disk. If the adapter fails diagnostics it will not function correctly running Client 32. 5 Using 16-bit ODI driver with Client 32 requires CLIENT32.NLM dated 10/09/96 or later. The driver will not load with older versions. 6 If you encounter the error message "An attempt to load E100B.LAN failed because the module references an undefined external: MSMHardwareFailure" when the driver loads, you need to update the NetWare client files. Download ODI33x.EXE (where x=latest revision number) from Novell's electronic services and run the update utility. Sample configurations --------------------- Below are sample files from a Novell NetWare Client 32 workstation with a PRO/100+ adapter installed using the default installation: CONFIG.SYS ---------- DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS BUFFERS=30,0 FILES=60 LASTDRIVE=Z AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------ prompt $P$G path=C:\WINDOWS;c:\dos;C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\ SET TEMP=C:\TEMP @CALL C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\STARTNET STARTNET.BAT ------------ SET NWLANGUAGE=ENGLISH C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NIOS.EXE LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\LSLC32.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\CMSM.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\ETHERTSM.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\E100B.LAN SPEED=0 IOMAPMODE=0 FORCEDUPLEX=0 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 SLOT=2 LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\E100B.LAN SPEED=0 IOMAPMODE=0 FORCEDUPLEX=0 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 SLOT=2 LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\TRANNTA.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\IPX.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\CLIENT32.NLM NOTE: If you are loading multiple frame types, you will need to specify the slot number of the adapter on the load lines. See Hints and Tips section above for detailed information. NET.CFG ------- NetWare DOS Requester FIRST NETWORK DRIVE F NETWARE PROTOCOL NDS BIND Protocol IPX IPX SOCKETS 40 *** *** *** *** *** *** - NETWARE* OS/2* ODI CLIENT DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES =================================================== Location of driver: \OS2\E100BODI.SYS Sample configuration files ========================== CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\E100BODI.SYS NET.CFG LINK DRIVER E100BODI SLOT n FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 Introduction ============ To connect an OS/2 workstation to a NetWare* server, you must have the latest version of the Novell NetWare Requester for OS/2 and the PRO/100+ adapter OS/2 ODI driver. These installation instructions assume you're using the INSTALL program that ships with Novell's OS/2 requester. For more information about OS/2 workstations, see the Novell manual, "NetWare Requester for OS/2." Note: If you're running IBM OS/2 2.0, 2.1 or Warp, you must have the OS/2 Requester version 2.01 or later. BEFORE YOU BEGIN If your adapter was shipped with a CD, you can create an installation diskette from the CD before starting the installation procedure. Put the CD into your CD-ROM drive and a blank formatted diskette into a diskette drive. Run the MAKENW.BAT from the MAKEDISK directory on your CD. The command syntax is MAKENW . Example; MAKENW D: A: General Instructions ==================== 1 Run Novell's INSTALL utility on the OS/2 requester disk and follow its instructions. If asked for the name of the network interface driver, enter E100BODI.SYS. 2 Choose the session support you need. This is based on your configuration. See the NetWare Requester manual if you need help. 3 Save the configuration. 4 When asked for the path and filename for the driver, insert the Configuration and Drivers disk into the drive and press Enter. 5 After completing the installation section, choose CONFIGURATION from the main menu. Then choose THIS WORKSTATION. This allows you to modify the NET.CFG file. (NET.CFG must reside in the root directory.) Note: The default frame type for E100BODI.SYS is 802.2. If you're using the 802.3 frame type, you have to include a FRAME statement in the NET.CFG file. List the 802.3 FRAME type first in the NET.CFG file. Hints and Tips ============== Verify driver loaded properly ----------------------------- In the CONFIG.SYS file, add a "fake" device=xxx statement after the E100BODI.SYS line. The screen stops and you can check for error messages. Error message "not getting a connection ID" ------------------------------------------- This OS/2 error message often appears when there is a frame type mismatch or cable disconnect. NET.CFG optional parameters --------------------------- FORCEDUPLEX: Note: The PRO/100B T4 adapter does not support full duplex at 100 Mbps. It does at 10 Mbps. The PRO/100+ TX adapter supports full duplex at 10 and 100 Mbps. Syntax: FORCEDUPLEX n Where n=0 auto-negotiate (PRO/100+ TX adapter only) 1 half duplex 2 full duplex Note: If the adapter is set to half or full duplex, set the SPEED parameter to either 10 or 100. (see SPEED below) Duplex modes: Auto-negotiate: The adapter negotiates with the switch/hub how to send/receive packets, either full or half duplex. If unsuccessful at negotiating the duplex, the adapter defaults to half duplex. Note: The PRO/100B T4 adapter does not support auto-negotiate. Full duplex: The adapter sends and receives packets at the same time. This improves the performance of your adapter. Set duplex mode to full duplex ONLY if you have a switch that supports full duplex. Half duplex: The adapter performs one operation at a time. It either sends or receives. Default: auto-negotiation (PRO/100+ TX adapter) half duplex (PRO/100B T4 adapter) The PRO/100+ TX adapter has the added ability to "talk" to the switch/hub and determine at which mode to communicate (either full or half duplex). This is called auto-negotiation. You must have an auto-negotiating hub (an Nway switch) to get full duplex support with the FORCEDUPLEX parameter set to 0 (auto- negotiation). Examples: PRO/100+ TX (100 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX 2 (Sets adapter to full duplex) SPEED 100 (See SPEED parameter below) PRO/100+ TX (10 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX 2 (Sets adapter to full duplex) SPEED 10 PRO/100B T4 (100 Mbps full duplex): Not Supported PRO/100B T4 (10 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX 2 (Sets adapter to full duplex) SPEED 10 Note: Use auto-negotiate for full duplex support only when the adapter is connected to a hub/switch that fully supports Nway auto negotiation specification. SLOT: For PCI adapters, SLOT is derived from bus number and device location as defined by the PCI specification. One way to determine the slot number is to run setup.exe from DOS. Syntax: SLOT n (n = 1,2,3,4,...) SPEED: Specifies the speed the driver uses. If you don't use this parameter, the driver automatically detects the network speed. If no cable is attached, the driver defaults to 10 Mbps. If you don't have a auto-negotiating switch/hub and are configuring the adapter for full or half duplex support, specify the speed to either 10 or 100 Mbps using this parameter. If you use this parameter, the driver operates at the specified speed instead of automatically detecting network speed. Syntax: SPEED n (n = 10 or 100) Default: none, the adapter automatically senses speed NOTE: Set the SPEED parameter to either 10 or 100 if you're setting the FORCEDUPLEX parameter to either 1 or 2 (half or full). TXTHRESHOLD: Represents the threshold for transmits from extender SRAM FIFO (output buffer). Syntax: TXTHRESHOLD n (n = number of 8 bytes) For example, 16 represents 16x8 (or 128 bytes). In this case, the LAN controller transmits after copying 128 bytes from the host memory to the SRAM FIFO. Default: dynamic The maximum number that you can specify is 200 (200x8=1600 bytes). NODE ADDRESS: Specifies a local administered address (LAA) unique to each adapter. The node address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number; the second digit must be one of the following digits: 2, 6, A, E. Syntax: NODE ADDRESS 02A0C9345678 02 => Locally administered address 00 => Typical Intel address (default) FRAME: Configures the adapter to process the four valid NetWare Ethernet frame types. Syntax: FRAME n n = Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_802.3 Ethernet_II Ethernet_SNAP Default: Ethernet_802.2 PROTOCOL: Indicates the standard protocol in use. Syntax: Protocol ipx e0 Ethernet_802.2 Values: e0=Ethernet_802.2 0=Ethernet_802.3 8137=Ethernet_II 8137=Ethernet_SNAP Detailed example ---------------- LINK DRIVER E100BODI SPEED 100 THRESHOLD 16 NODE ADDRESS 02xxxxxxxxxx FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 PROTOCOL IPX E0 ETHERNET_802.2 *** *** *** *** *** *** - NETWARE* DOS ODI CLIENT DRIVER INSTALLATION NOTES ================================================= Location of Driver: \DOS\E100BODI.COM Quick Installation ================== Use the Automatic setup option in the SETUP utility on the Configuration and Drivers disk to quickly and easily install the ODI driver using NETX. For workstations using VLM's, see the VLM client section below. NOTE: This version of E100BODI.COM requires VLM client version 1.21. Sample configuration files -------------------------- AUTOEXEC.BAT: CD\NWCLIENT LSL E100BODI IPXODI NETX or VLM (VLM's for NetWare 4.1 or 3.12) NET.CFG (for 802.3 clients - generally NetWare 3.11 servers): LINK DRIVER E100BODI FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 NET.CFG (for 802.2 clients - generally NetWare 3.12 and 4.1 servers): LINK DRIVER E100BODI FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 NETWARE DOS REQUESTER FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = F General Installation for NetWare 3.11/3.12 Clients ================================================== All the files necessary to connect to the NetWare servers are supplied on the Configuration and Drivers disk. Newer versions of the shell files (LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM, NETX.EXE) may be available from Novell. 1 From the \DOS directory on the Configuration and Drivers disk, copy the following files onto your hard drive: LSL.COM, E100BODI.COM, IPXODI.COM, NETX.EXE, and NET.CFG. 2 Add the commands to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file as shown above under the Sample Configuration Files section. Make sure you change to the subdirectory where the drivers are loaded before executing the files. In the example above, the drivers are located in the NWCLIENT subdirectory. 3 Edit the NET.CFG file per your requirements. If you don't know which frame type to load, type CONFIG at your file server console to see which frame type your file server is loading and load one of these frame types on the workstation. If you list two or more NetWare frame types in the NET.CFG, the first frame type will bind to the IPX protocol. The NET.CFG file should be in the same directory as the adapter driver. If you're running EMM386, make sure you are using v4.49 or later. It's the version that ships with DOS 6.22. 4 Reboot the computer and the drivers will load and connect you to the network. General Instructions for IntranetWare 4.11 Client with VLMs ========================================================== The installation of the NetWare 4.11 client software is much easier than earlier versions. The installation procedure transfers files to a specific directory on the workstation and creates or modifies existing configuration files to fit your specific needs. The installation utility, INSTALL.EXE, is located on the IntranetWare distribution CD in \PRODUCTS\VLM\IBM_6 (Or \PRODUCTS\VLMIP\IBM_6 for the TCP/IP client). The install program is also located in \PUBLIC\CLIENT\DOSWIN on the server. NetWare 3.12 does not automatically create this directory on the server during installation. General Instructions for NetWare 4.1/3.12 Client with VLMs ========================================================== Installation procedure for NetWare 4.1/3.12 client with VLMs ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Run INSTALL.EXE on the workstation you are configuring. It can be found on the NetWare Workstation for DOS disk. Note: INSTALL.EXE must be version 1.22 or greater. This version is supplied with IntranetWare 4.11. 2 The NetWare Client Install program screen appears. You must complete each of the options as they are specific to your needs. Step #1: Specifies the directory on the hard drive that you want to install the client software. The default directory is C:\NWCLIENT. You can specify another directory if you desire. Step #2: Gives you the option to automatically update the CONFIG.SYS and the AUTOEXEC.BAT files or modify them at a later time manually. Step #3: Installs Windows software for your system if your workstation supports Windows and asks you to specify the directory where Windows is located. You will also have the option to customize for Windows. Step #4: Gives you the option to configure your workstation for back-up by a NetWare server. Step #5: Asks you to select a network driver and provide configuration options. It uses the specifications you select to create the NET.CFG file. Do NOT select a Driver from the list Novell provides, rather choose OTHER DRIVER and insert the PRO/100+ adapter Configuration and Drivers disk. Select the Intel PRO/100+ LAN Adapter. There are four configurable settings: Frame Type: You must set the frame type to match the file server. Adapter Node Address: (optional) Changes the Node Address to a local address. Force Duplex Mode: Sets the duplex mode of the driver. 0 = auto-negotiate (default, PRO/100+ TX adapter) 1 = half duplex (default, PRO/100B T4 adapter) 2 = full duplex Note: If Duplex Mode is set to full, the Line Speed defaults to 10 Mbps. Also, the PRO/100B T4 and PRO/10+ PCI adapters do not support auto-negotiate. Line Speed: (optional) Sets the line speed to either 10 or 100 Mbps. If you don't use this parameter, the driver automatically detects the network speed. Step #6: The install program copies the appropriate files to your hard drive. This is the final step. 3 Be sure to add LASTDRIVE=Z to your CONFIG.SYS file and FIRST NETWORK DRIVE=F in the NET.CFG file under the Netware DOS Requester section. Hints and Tips -------------- 1 Promiscuous mode support E100BODI.COM is written to Novell's 4.0 assembly specification. As such, it does not include a receive monitor stack. If promiscuous mode support is needed with a receive monitor stack, you must load the file RXMONSTK.COM after LSL.COM and before E100BODI.COM. This file is included in the VLM client kit. 2 This version of E100BODI.COM requires VLM client version 1.21 or higher. Attempting to use an older version of the VLM client may cause connection problems, slow response or computer system lock-ups. 3 NET.CFG optional parameters --------------------------- FORCEDUPLEX: Note: The PRO/100B T4 adapter does not support full duplex at 100 Mbps. It does support full duplex at 10 Mbps. The PRO/100B TX adapter and all versions of the PRO/100+ adapters support full duplex at 10 and 100 Mbps. The PRO/10+ PCI supports full duplex on the TPE connector only and does not support autonegotiation. It will default to half duplex unless forced. Syntax: FORCEDUPLEX n Where n= 0 auto-negotiate (PRO/100+ TX adapter only) 1 half duplex 2 full duplex Note: If the adapter is set to half or full duplex, set the SPEED parameter to either 10 or 100 (see SPEED below). Duplex modes: Auto-negotiate: The adapter negotiates with the switch/hub how to send/receive packets, either full or half duplex. If unsuccessful at negotiating the duplex, the adapter defaults to half duplex. Note: The PRO/100B T4 adapter does not support auto-negotiate. Full duplex: The adapter sends and receives packets at the same time. This improves the performance of your adapter. Set duplex mode to full duplex ONLY if you have a switch that supports full duplex. Half duplex: The adapter performs one operation at a time. It either sends or receives. Default: auto-negotiation (PRO/100+ TX adapter) half duplex (PRO/100B T4 adapter) The PRO/100+ TX adapter has the added ability to "talk" to the switch/hub and determine at which mode to communicate (either full or half duplex). This is called auto-negotiation. You must have an auto-negotiating switch/hub (an Nway* switch) to get full duplex support with the FORCEDUPLEX parameter set to 0 (auto-negotiation). Examples: PRO/100+ TX (100 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX 2 (Sets adapter to full duplex) SPEED 100 (See SPEED parameter below) PRO/100+ TX (10 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX 2 (Sets adapter to full duplex) SPEED 10 PRO/100B T4 (100 Mbps full duplex): Not Supported PRO/100B T4 (10 Mbps full duplex): FORCEDUPLEX 2 (Sets adapter to full duplex) SPEED 10 Note: Use auto-negotiate for full duplex support only when the adapter is connected to a switch that fully supports Nway auto negotiation specification. SPEED: Specifies the speed the driver uses. If you don't use this parameter, the driver automatically detects the network speed. If no cable is attached, the driver defaults to 10 Mbps. Note: If you don't have a auto-negotiating hub and are forcing the duplex mode, specify the speed to either 10 or 100 using this parameter. If you use this parameter, the driver operates at the specified speed instead of automatically detecting network speed. Syntax: SPEED n (n = 10 or 100) Default: none, the adapter automatically senses speed. TXTHRESHOLD: Represents the threshold for transmits from extender SRAM FIFO (output buffer). Syntax: TXTHRESHOLD n (n = number of 8 bytes). For example, 16 represents 16x8 (or 128 bytes). In this case, the LAN controller transmits after copying 128 bytes from the host memory. Default: dynamically set The maximum number that you can specify is 200 (200x8=1600 bytes) which ensures there will not be any underruns. EARLYRECV: This parameter determines whether the driver enables early receives. Early receives allows a frame to start being processed before it is completely received in to host memory. It boosts performance. Syntax: EARLYRECV n Where n= 0 disables early receives 1 enables early receives Default: early receives enabled IRQMODE: This parameter enables or disables interrupt sharing mode of the driver. It has the capability to automatically select the enabled or disabled state depending on system configuration. If the IRQ assigned to the driver is not being shared with another device, then interrupt sharing is disabled. If the IRQ assigned to the driver is being shared, then the interrupt sharing is enabled. Syntax: IRQMODE n Where n= 0 automatically selects interrupt sharing mode 1 interrupt sharing is disabled 2 interrupt sharing is enabled Default: 0 automatically selects NODE ADDRESS: Specifies a local administered address (LAA) unique to each adapter. The node address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number; the second digit must be one of the following digits: 2, 6, A, E. Syntax: NODE ADDRESS 02AA12345678 02AA => LAA, 02 is set by the driver if not specified. 00A0 => Typical Intel address (default) FRAME: Configures the adapter to process the valid NetWare Ethernet frame types. Syntax: FRAME n n = Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_802.3 Ethernet_II Ethernet_SNAP Default: Ethernet_802.2 PROTOCOL: Indicates the standard protocol in use. Syntax: Protocol IPX E0 Ethernet_802.2 Values: E0=Ethernet_802.2 0=Ethernet_802.3 8137=Ethernet_II 8137=Ethernet_SNAP NetWare DOS Requester ===================== FIRST NETWORK DRIVE: (Used only with the VLM.EXE). Indicates the first network drive available in the client system. Note: If you use FIRST NETWORK DRIVE, the last line in the CONFIG.SYS file must read: LASTDRIVE=Z Detailed example ---------------- LINK DRIVER E100BODI SPEED 100 TXTHRESHOLD 16 NODE ADDRESS 02xxxxxxxxxx FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 PROTOCOL IPX E0 ETHERNET_802.2 In addition, the NET.CFG file can contain the following optional information: NETWARE DOS REQUESTER PB BUFFERS=10 FIRST NETWORK DRIVE=F *** *** *** *** *** *** - NETWARE* CLIENT SERVICES FOR WINDOWS NT 4.0 USING ODI SERVER DRIVER =================================================================== Use of Client 32 for Windows NT with the 32-bit ODI driver is no longer supported by Novell or Intel. No testing or effort has been made to validate it. Please use the appropriate NDIS driver for Client 32. *** *** *** *** *** *** * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.