!!! FILE EXTRACTION IS COMPLETE !!! PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED IN THIS DOWNLOAD TO INSTALL THE DRIVERS AND ADVANCED FEATURES FOR YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM. You can access the latest information from the “Late Breaking News” through Adobe Acrobat Reader* by opening the file “LateBreakingNews.PDF” in the root of this archive. Intel(R) PRO LAN Adapter Driver release 5.0.3 100PDISK.EXE June 08, 2001 WEB RELEASE NOTES ============================================================================ **** PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ARCHIVE IS CREATED FROM THE ORIGINAL CD-ROM. **** **** ANY REFERENCES TO A CD-ROM IN THE DOCUMENTATION SHOULD BE **** **** INTERPRETED TO MEAN THIS DOWNLOADABLE ARCHIVE. **** 1) Installing the adapter drivers 2) Installing PROSet and advanced features in Microsoft Operating Systems 3) Compatibility 4) Feature changes / additions 5) Additional software 6) Viewing the user guide 7) Errata and known issues 8) Dual Port Server Adapter 1) Installing the adapter drivers --------------------------------- You must install or update the base drivers according to the methods and requirements specific to each operating system. You can find the installation information for most popular operating systems in the user guide. See section 6 (Viewing the user guide). 2) Installing PROSet and advanced features in Microsoft Operating Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSet and other advanced features are available as separate installable modules in this software release. You can install the advanced features only AFTER you update the adapter drivers with the drivers found in this version. To install advanced features, including PROSet, simply run SETUP.EXE from the root of this archive. You will be presented with a list of installable features. Many of the features are available in separate downloads. Note that only those features that you have downloaded will be available for install. See "Additional Software" below for more details. In Windows NT* 4.0, PROSet will be installed automatically when you install the drivers from this archive. This includes the installation from the floppy diskette created by the MAKEDISK utility for Windows NT. The other advanced features must still be installed as detailed above. This release does not support Microsoft Windows XP*. Full support will be provided for Microsoft Windows XP when that product is released. 3) Compatibility ---------------- This release supports the PRO/100 S and PRO/100+ families of adapters, and the PRO/100 VE, PRO/10+ PCI and PRO/100B adapters. This web release version does not include Intel(R) Packet Protect. Packet Protect is on the current CD, and may also be downloaded from http://support.intel.com/support/network/adapter/pprotect/pprotect.htm. If you download Packet Protect, you must first extract 100PDISK.EXE. Then extract PPROTECT.EXE into the same directory before installing the drivers in Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 98. Please see the instructions included with that download. The Microsoft Windows 2000* IPSec product is fully supported. If you are using a third party Boot ROM solution on your Intel adapters, see the note in Errata and Known Issues at the end of this document. This release does not support Microsoft Windows XP. If you are running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 with this or any previous driver release and plan to do an in-place upgrade to Windows XP, we recommend that you first remove all advanced networking features. In Windows 2000, you should also remove PROSet. In Windows NT, you should remove all adapters from the network control panel, which will remove PROSet also. 4) Feature changes / additions ------------------------------ Support has been added for the new PRO/100 S Dual Port Adapter (first software version for this adapter). Improved support for English language installation on Japanese and Spanish language OS. Improved Windows NT unattended install to allow user to modify default PROSet settings through the answer file. Improved error descriptions in Event Viewer and log. When installing multiple adapters in Windows NT 4.0, the adapters are now logically enumerated in direct order (lowest numbered slot becomes the first adapter). Support for 82557-based adapters has been restored into this common driver set. This version of the Intel(R) PRO LAN adapter driver software enables simultaneous teaming and VLAN capabilities in Windows 2000. PROSet and the base drivers are now installed separately in Windows 9x, Me and Windows 2000. The MAKEDISK utility for these operating systems will only copy the base driver installation files to the floppy. To install the advanced networking features in these OS's, you must install them from a CD, hard drive, or over the network once you have established a network connection. Starting with release 5.0, Windows 2000 IPSec encryption offload works for both transport mode and tunnel mode. Release 4.x only supported transport mode offload. This download does not include all the software featured on the Intel CD. See "Additional Software" below for details. 5) Additional Software ---------------------- This download does not include all of the software featured on the Intel CD. To obtain the additional software modules, you will need to download each module separately. Modules available for download are; 100PDMI2.EXE Adds DMI 2.0 / SNMP Instrumentation Layer to Windows and Netware*. 100PWMI.EXE Adds Quality of Service (QoS) and adapter WMI Providers. PRTPKT2.EXE Adds Priority Packet II; a utility for Windows that provides IEEE 802.1p and IP ToS (Type of Service) Layer 3 Tagging. 100PBOOT.EXE Latest images, tools and reference material for the Intel(R) Boot Agent. PPROTECT.EXE Adds Packet Protect, an IPSec security solution for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98 and Windows Me. See the special instructions accompanying that download. This program is only downloadable from the following web site: http://support.intel.com/support/network/adapter/pprotect/index.htm Linux base drivers, Advanced Networking Services drivers and SNMP instrumentation for Intel adapters are updated frequently on support.intel.com. The UnixWare 7.x Advanced Networking Services driver and the supporting base driver are available from support.intel.com for Server adapters. For other Unix related drivers, please contact your Unix vendor To recreate the release 5.0.3 CD structure, extract each archive into the same directory as this 100PDISK module. The final directory structure should look like this: C:\INTEL\ (or other directory path you chose to extract 100PDISK into) \bootAgnt \Cardbus \DMI-SNMP \DOS \Info \Linux \makedisk \Manuals \Modem \NMS \nwserver \OS2 \PktPt \PROSet2 \PRTPKT \PushInstall \Setup \Update \WBEM \WIN95 Some of these directories may not be present, depending on the archive modules you have downloaded and extracted. There are some files that exist in more than one archive. When extracting an archive per these instructions, the process may return a message indicating that you are about to overwrite an existing file of the same name and prompt for your approval. Choose "Yes" unless instructed otherwise. To install these components in Windows, run SETUP from the root directory of this download. 6) Viewing the user guide ------------------------- The user guide is in HTML format. To view it, use any standard browser to open the file \INFO\INDEX.HTM. The README.TXT file in the root of this archive also contains supplemental information. This file is taken from the original software and driver CD-ROM. References to the CD should be interpreted to mean this archive. The "Late Breaking News" is available in electronic format in the root of this archive in the file LateBreakingNews.PDF. This document includes important information that is not in the user guide and is normally included in the product box in printed form. Viewing this document requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader*. This program can be downloaded from the Adobe web site at HTTP://WWW.ADOBE.COM. 7) Errata and known issues -------------------------- GENERAL NOTE: Third party boot ROM solution providers may distribute their product on flash chips that are not supported by Intel adapters. If you are using a third party solution that involves installing a proprietary flash chip onto an Intel network adapter, please contact Intel Customer Support before installing that product or, if already installed, before installing the drivers from this archive. The Intel® PRO/100 Intelligent Server Adapter (PILA8480 only) is not supported by this software release. Please see support.intel.com for the proper drivers. In viewing the help for the advanced settings, you may notice some inconsistencies between the help and the actual settings. Pressing the Restore Default button will always take you back to the preferred default. WINDOWS 98: To update the drivers in Windows 98 SE to the drivers in this release, you should first delete the existing drivers through the Network Control Panel or Device Manager. Then restart the computer. When the computer detects the adapter during Plug and Play installation on startup, use the drivers included with this archive. Failure to follow this process may result in a message on reboot that the device file WOL558.VXD is missing. See Microsoft Article Q242150. VLANs: When uninstalling a VLAN on a team in Windows NT 4.0, the 802.1Q tagging may become disabled on remaining teams. Windows will prompt for a reboot after the VLAN is removed. Choose No, then re-open PROSet and re-enable 802.1Q tagging from the Advanced tab for each team member affected. When prompted for the reboot, choose Yes. Under certain conditions on starting a service, you may receive an error in the Event Log indicating NMSSvc cannot be found. This is a known cosmetic issue and all services will run correctly. 8) Dual Port Server Adapter --------------------------- Intel has combined security features with the ability to have two distinct adapter ports in one PCI slot. The PRO/100 S Dual Port Adapter has a 64-bit PCI connector, allowing the two 32-bit ports to operate with a 64-bit bridge at 33 MHZ. When installing a PRO/100 S Dual Port adapter, upgrade all Intel 10/100 adapters in the computer to the latest software. If the computer has trouble detecting both ports, consider the following: 1. Your operating system may need to re-enumerate the bus. To force the re- numeration, uninstall or unload the drivers for all PCI devices installed and shutdown the computer. Then restart the computer and reinstall or reload all drivers. 2. Some computers may need BIOS upgrades to properly detect the adapter's bridge chip and both ports. 3. The "Plug and Play OS" setting in the BIOS should be set to "Yes" for Plug-and-Play operating systems such as Windows 2000 and set to "No" for Windows NT and most other operating systems. Adding this adapter through hot plug may present some difficulties. If your second port is not detected, a restart may be required. When installing this adapter in NetWare with hot plug, include the keyword "persist=1" in the load line. For more information, visit http:\\support.intel.com. * Third party trademarks or brand names are the property of their owners.