Waking Up the Tivoli Endpoint

When you install the selected Tivoli agent software, an endpoint agent, called the Tivoli Endpoint v3.2GA, from Tivoli Systems, is copied to the end node PC in the directory: c:\tivoli\lcf. These files include the actual code (LCFD, the daemon code) and the libraries needed for the LCF endpoint.

Your Tivoli Management Environment (TME) 10 enterprise includes a computer with a gateway. As system administrator, you can ensure that the LCF endpoints log into a gateway so they can "join" the enterprise. You can use a logon script to startup and configure the endpoints. The logon script needs to include something like:

cd $LCF_DATDIR ;probably C:\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1

lcfd.exe -i -Dlcs.login_interfaces= -D...

This script starts the LCFD software and creates the necessary registry information.  The command line parameters configure the LCFD software.

To start the LCFD Endpoint:

The necessary options in starting the endpoint are:

Option Function
-C <directory> This causes LCFD endpoint to change the working directory to <directory> before starting.  Substitute %SystemDrive%\Tivoli\lcf\dat for <directory>, as all configuration information will be written to that location.
Tells LCFD endpoint to install itself as a service. (NT only)
When started, the LCFD endpoint will immediately broadcast a message in search for a gateway on its subnet.  This is fine in most situations, but if you desire a different coarse of action, you will need the following options.
-D lcs.login_interfaces=<gateway_IPaddress>+<port#> <gateway_address> is the IP address of the Tivoli Managed Node that is running the gateway that the endpoint will log in to. This options is needed if, for example, the gateway resides on a different subnet, the endpoint's default broadcast will not reach it. In this case, the LCFD endpoint would need a specific IP address of the gateway machine in order to log in to it.
-p <port#> <port#> is the listening port of the gateway.

To see all the options that can be used in starting the endpoint, run the LCFD.EXE file with the two options:

-s -D?

NT and 95 Directory Layout

The directory listing for a completely laid-out endpoint (before startup) should look like this on Windows NT: (for Windows 95, replace w32-ix86 with win95)

  • c:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd.exe
    c:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\wlcftap.exe (only on NT)
  • OS/2 Directory Layout

    The directory listing for a completely laid-out endpoint (before startup) should look like this on OS/2 (lcfd for OS/2 does not have any libraries):
  • c:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd.exe
  • For autostart up of OS/2, the config.sys should have the following additions:

    Command-line Statements for Waking Up the LCFD

    Some common command line statements to start the LCFD endpoint are listed in the following table:

    For OS/2 ignore the references to the –i and –r options

    Action Statement
    To install the LCFD endpoint as a service (also starts the service): c:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd.exe -i -C c:\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1

    This command contacts the gateway on its default port, which is (9494) and also uses port 9494 as its local port.

    To stop the LCFD endpoint and remove the service entry: c:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd.exe -r lcfd
    On NT, to start the LCFD service: net start "lcfd"
    On NT, to stop the LCFD service: net stop "lcfd"
    Action Statement
    To specify a specific port to broadcast for a gateway: c:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd.exe -i -C c:\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1 -p<port#>

    LCFD’s service name will now include the <port#> given above.

    To specify a specific gateway to connect to c:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd.exe -i -C

    c:\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1 -p<port#> -D lcs.login_interfaces=<ip_address>+<port#>

    LCFD’s service name will now include the <port#> given above.

    To stop the LCFD endpoint and remove the service entry: c:\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt\lcfd.exe -r "lcfd (port <port#>)
    On NT, to start the LCFD service: net start "lcfd (port <port#>)"
    On NT to stop the LCFD service: net stop "lcfd (port <port#>)"