Other Operating Systems Installation Notes for Intel(R) Server and Client Adapters in Other Operating Systems CONTENTS - USING IBM LAN SUPPORT FOR AS/400 AND NETWARE o Installing and Configuring the Adapter - LAN SERVER INSTALLATION NOTES o General Installation - LAN Server and OS/2 Requester (4.0 or 3.0) o General Installation under DOS (DOS LAN Services) o General Installation under DOS: LAN Support Program (LSP) o General Installation under DOS (DOS LAN Requester) - BANYAN* NDIS WORKSTATION INSTALLATION NOTES o General Installation o Hints and Tips - LANTASTIC* 6.0 INSTALLATION NOTES o General Instructions and Sample Configuration Files o Hints and Tips o Sample Files - GENERAL NDIS 2.X DRIVER NOTES o Sample Configuration Files o General Notes o Hints and Tips - ADVANCED SETTINGS *** *** *** *** *** *** - USING IBM LAN SUPPORT FOR AS/400 AND NETWARE ============================================ Installing and Configuring the Adapter ====================================== Location of Driver: \DOS\E100B.DOS (for LANSUP) Location of Driver: \DOS\E100BODI.COM (for ODINSUP) (Sample configuration files are included below.) General instructions -------------------- There are two ways to connect an Intel adapter simultaneously to an IBM AS/400 (or other host based on DLC protocol) and a Novell server: - Using LANSUP.COM (NDIS-based) or - Using ODINSUP.COM (ODI-based) LANSUP.COM and ODINSUP.COM are Novell drivers included in VLMUPx.EXE (where x is the number of the latest version). The files are available on Novell's Support Web site. Sample CONFIG.SYS file for LANSUP --------------------------------- DEVICE = C:\LANMAN\PROTMAN.DOS (version 1.1 or later ) DEVICE = C:\LANMAN\E100B.DOS (version 1.34 or later) DEVICE = C:\LANMAN\DXMA0MOD.SYS (version 1.35 or later) DEVICE = C:\LANMAN\DXME0MOD.SYS (version 1.35 or later) DEVICE = C:\PCS\EIMPCS.SYS DEVICE = C:\PCS\ECYDDX.SYS Sample AUTOEXEC.BAT file for LANSUP ----------------------------------- CD\LANMAN NETBIND (version 1.1 or later ) LSL (version 2.11 or later) LANSUP (version 1.27 or later) IPXODI (version 2.20 or later) NETX or VLM (version 3.32 or later of NETX.EXE, or version 1.20 or later of VLM.EXE) F: LOGIN C:\PCS\STARTPCS Sample PROTOCOL.INI file for LANSUP ----------------------------------- [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [ETHERNET] DRIVERNAME = DXME0$ BINDINGS = E100B [E100B] DRIVERNAME = E100B$ Sample NET.CFG file for LANSUP ------------------------------ Link Driver LANSUP Max Frame Size = 1490 NetWare DOS Requester First Network Drive = F Sample CONFIG.SYS file for ODINSUP ---------------------------------- DEVICE = \LANMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN (version 1.1 or later) DEVICE = \LANMAN\DXMA0MOD.SYS (version 1.35 or later) DEVICE = \LANMAN\DXME0MOD.SYS (version 1.35 or later) DEVICE = C:\PCS\EIMPCS.SYS DEVICE = C:\PCS\ECYDDX.SYS Sample AUTOEXEC.BAT file for ODINSUP ------------------------------------ CD\LANMAN LSL (version 2.11 or later) E100BODI (version 1.25 or later) ODINSUP (version 2.00 or later) NETBIND (version 1.1 or later) IPXODI (version 2.20 or later) NETX or VLM (version 3.32 or later of NETX.EXE; version 1.20 or later of VLM.EXE) F: LOGIN C:\PCS\STARTPCS Sample PROTOCOL.INI file for ODINSUP ------------------------------------ [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [ETHERNET] DRIVERNAME = DXME0$ BINDINGS = E100BODI [E100BODI] DRIVERNAME = E100BODI$ Sample NET.CFG (C:\LANMAN\NET.CFG) file for ODINSUP --------------------------------------------------- Link Driver E100BODI Frame ethernet_802.2 Frame ethernet_II Frame ethernet_802.2 Frame ethernet_snap Protocol ODINSUP Bind E100BODI NetWare DOS Requester First Network Drive = F *** *** *** *** *** *** - LAN SERVER INSTALLATION NOTES ============================= Location of files: \OS2\E100B.OS2 (OS/2* driver) \OS2\E100BEO2.NIF or \DOS\E100B.DOS (DOS driver) \DOS\E100BEDS.NIF (DLR and LSP installation file) NOTE: LAN Requester needs DOS 3.3 through 5, but if you're using DOS 6.0 or higher, run SETVER.EXE prior to using the executable files found on the DOS LAN Requester disks. See your DOS manual if you need help with SETVER.EXE. Sample Configuration File ------------------------- PROTOCOL.INI (will include): [E100B_NIF] DriverName = E100B$ General Installation - LAN Server and OS/2 Requester (4.0 or 3.0) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Run the MPTS utility with LAN Server 4.0 or OS/2 Requester 4.0 (Run the LAPS utility with LAN Server 3.0 or OS/2 Requester 3.0). 2 Click Install. 3 When prompted, insert the Configuration and Drivers disk in the drive, specify :\OS2 for driver location, and click OK. 4 When Install reads the E100BEO2.NIF, installation is complete. Click OK. The adapter driver has been copied to your system. 5 Click Configure from the MPTS window. 6 At the Configure window, make sure the LAN adapters and protocols button is on and click CONFIGURE. 7 At the LAPS Configuration window, select the Intel adapter (OS/2 driver: E100B.OS2) from the Network Adapters window. Click Add in the Network Adapter window to add the Intel PCI adapter to the current configuration. 8 Select your desired protocol(s) from the Protocol window and click Add to add the protocol(s) to the current configuration. 9 Click OK when you're done and follow the prompts to exit MPTS. Your CONFIG.SYS is automatically updated. Shut down and reset your system for the changes to take effect. General Installation under DOS (DOS LAN Services) ------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Due to a problem with the DLS installation utility, you need to complete the following steps before executing the installation of DLS: 1 On DLS Diskette 1, make a directory off the root called NDIS. 2 Copy the file E100B.DOS (from the \DOS directory of the Configuration and Drivers disk) into this new directory \DOS on DLS disk 1. 1 Run the DOS LAN Services installation program at the DOS workstation. Follow the prompts. 2 When presented with an adapter list, select Network card not shown in list below. 3 When prompted for the location of the OEMSETUP.INF file, insert the Configuration and Drivers disk in your drive and enter :\DOS as the path. 4 Select the Intel adapter from the list. Follow the prompts. 5 Enter your machine name, user name and domain name. 6 Set the options as you need; then highlight "The listed options are correct" and press Enter. 7 Accept the defaults on the next screen, highlight "The listed options are correct" and press Enter. 8 Set the Speed, Duplex mode, or Slot Device if needed. We recommend accepting the defaults. Then highlight "The listed options are correct" and press Enter. 9 You may be asked to insert DLS disks. Follow the prompts to complete the installation and restart your computer for changes to take effect. General Installation under DOS - LAN Support Program (LSP) --------------------------------------------------------- 1 Run DXMAID from the LAN Support Program disk. 2 Follow the prompts and instructions. 3 When prompted, insert the Configuration and Drivers disk and enter the pathname :\DOS. 4 The default configuration is suitable for most environments. We recommend accepting the defaults. 5 After the installation is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect. General Installation under DOS - (DOS LAN Requester) ---------------------------------------------------- 1 Run the DOS LAN Requester installation program at the DOS workstation. Follow the prompts to configure your DOS LAN Requester as you require. 2 After the installation is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Advanced Settings for PROTOCOL.INI ---------------------------------- See the Advanced Settings section. *** *** *** *** *** *** - BANYAN* NDIS WORKSTATION INSTALLATION NOTES =========================================== Location of Driver: \DOS\E100B.DOS Sample Configuration Files -------------------------- CONFIG.SYS (will contain): DEVICE=C:\BAN\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\BAN DEVICE=C:\BAN\E100B.DOS PROTOCOL.INI: [E100B_NIF] Drivername = E100B$ General Installation -------------------- 1 The Intel adapter uses an NDIS 2.0.1 driver to connect to a Banyan server. If you have an NDIS client disk prepared, skip to step #6. 2 To create an NDIS client disk, run PCCOPY (located on the Z drive of the Banyan server). 3 Choose PC Configuration Software and/or LAN driver, then select NDIS Ethernet and PCCONFIG. 4 Choose the appropriate DOS redirector. For example, REDIRALL for all versions of DOS. 5 Specify the directory you want the client software copied to. The default is A:\. 6 On the client you're setting up, copy the NDIS client software to a directory on the hard drive. 7 Run Banyan's PCCONFIG program. 8 Select Network Card Settings and page down to select the NDIS Ethernet option. 9 Specify E100B_NIF as the PROTOCOL.INI bindings parameter. 10 Select Login Environment Settings, then select Default Communications Driver. Page down to select the NDIS Ethernet option. 11 Save the settings and exit PCCONFIG. 12 Copy the PROTOCOL.INI and E100B.DOS files located in the NDIS subdirectory on the Configuration and Driver disk to the BAN subdirectory or other directory where Banyan client files are located. Modify the PROTOCOL.INI file to make sure the file contains the line [E100B_NIF] above the DRIVERNAME=E100B$ line. 13 Add the lines to your CONFIG.SYS file as shown in the Sample Configuration Files section above. 14 Reboot and run BAN to attach to the Banyan server. Hints and Tips -------------- 1 Error Message with PRO0025E: This type of message occurs when the driver attempts to bind to the protocol manager. It usually indicates there's a syntax or other error in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Review the file carefully for errors. Also, verify parameters entered in PCCONFIG. For additional information, see NDISBAN.DOC which is part of the NDIS Banyan client software. 2 Make sure your NDISBAN.COM is dated April 1994 or later. Earlier versions may not work properly. 3 Parameters for the PROTOCOL.INI file are in the Advanced Settings section. *** *** *** *** *** *** - LANTASTIC* 6.0 INSTALLATION NOTES ================================= Location of driver: \DOS\E100B.DOS General Instructions and Sample Configuration Files --------------------------------------------------- The installation procedure transfers files to a specific directory on the workstation and creates or modifies existing configuration files to fit your specific needs. The installation utility, INSTALL.EXE, is located on LANtastic Network Software Disk 1. 1 Run INSTALL.EXE from Disk 1. 2 The LANtastic Install program screen appears. You must complete each of the questions. These options are specific to your needs. 1 Asks for a unique computer name. 2 Asks you to select the drive that you want LANtastic to be installed on. The default is Drive C:. 3 Asks you to specify a directory where you want the LANtastic files to be installed. The default is \LANTASTI. 4 Asks if you want to share your computer's drives or printers. 5 Asks you to select the maximum number of connected computers. 6 Prompts you to select any other LANtastic features that you may want to install. 7 Summarizes the options you selected. If it looks correct, continue with the installation. 8 Prompts you to select a network adapter to run your LANtastic software on. From the list of adapters, select "NDIS SUPPORT FOR NETWORK ADAPTERS". 9 Asks you to insert the manufacturer's driver diskette. Insert the adapter Configuration and Drivers diskette into the drive and specify the source path for driver files :\DOS. 10 Asks if you want to Set Up Permanent Drive or Printer Connections. 11 Summarizes the options you selected. If they are correct, choose Perform the Installation and LANtastic will install the files. Hints and Tips -------------- Below are sample CONFIG.SYS, STARTNET.BAT and PROTOCOL.INI files. These are the three files with Intel adapter configuration options that the install program creates. For details on PROTOCOL.INI parameters, see the end of this document. Sample CONFIG.SYS file ---------------------- DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANTASTI DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\E100B.DOS FILES=100 BUFFERS=30 Sample C:\LANTASTI\STARTNET.BAT file ------------------------------------ @echo off rem LANtastic Version 6.00 installed 95/12/04 03:38:23 rem (for Windows) C: cd C:\LANTASTI SET LAN_CFG=C:\LANTASTI rem If LANtastic is disabled, skip everything. IF EXIST DISABLED GOTO :STARTNET_DONE @echo ===== Begin LANtastic configuration ===== PATH C:\LANTASTI;C:\LANTASTI\NW;%PATH% SET LAN_DIR=C:\LANTASTI.NET SET NWDBPATH=C:\LANTASTI\NW LOADHIGH AI-NDIS BIND_TO=E100B_NIF AILANBIO @STARTNET.CFG REDIR LAB1 @STARTNET.CFG IF EXIST NOSHARE GOTO :NOSHARE SERVER C:\LANTASTI.NET @STARTNET.CFG NET LOGIN \\LAB1 GOTO :CONTINUE :NOSHARE @echo LANtastic server was installed but turned off. :CONTINUE rem If CONNECT.BAT exists, run it to set up connections. IF EXIST CONNECT.BAT GOTO :CONNECT rem Otherwise set up connections specified during install. NET USE LPT1: \\LAB1\@PRINTER NET LPT TIMEOUT 10 GOTO :CONNECT_DONE :CONNECT @echo Setting up LANtastic connections from CONNECT.BAT rem Build CONNECT.BAT like this: "NET SHOW/BATCH > C:\LANTASTI\CONNECT.BAT" call CONNECT.BAT :CONNECT_DONE NET POSTBOX @echo ===== End LANtastic configuration ===== :STARTNET_DONE cd \ Sample C:\LANTASTI\PROTOCOL.INI file ------------------------------------ ;PROTOCOL.INI for LANtastic Version 6.00 ;--- using a Intel Adapter [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES ; PROTOCOL.INI section for the Intel Adapter. [E100B_NIF] DRIVERNAME = E100B$ Parameters for the PROTOCOL.INI file are in the Advanced Settings section. *** *** *** *** *** *** GENERAL NDIS 2.X DRIVER NOTES ============================= Location of Driver: \DOS\E100B.DOS \OS2\E100B.OS2 Support files: \DOS\E100BEDS.NIF \OS2\E100BEO2.NIF \DOS\OEMSETUP.INF \DOS\PROTOCOL.INI Sample Configuration Files -------------------------- CONFIG.SYS (DOS version is similar to the following:) DEVICE=C:\path\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\path DEVICE=C:\path\E100B.DOS CONFIG.SYS (OS/2* version is similar to the following:) DEVICE=C:\path\PROTMAN.OS2 /I:C:\path DEVICE=C:\path\E100B.OS2 PROTOCOL.INI (may contain) [PROTMAN] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [NETBEUI_XIF] Drivername = netbeui$ Sessions = 6 NCBS = 12 Bindings = "E100B_NIF" LANABASE = 0 [E100B_NIF] Drivername = E100B$ General Notes ------------- Several network operating systems use a standard 2.0.1 version NDIS driver to talk to the network adapter. The adapter's NDIS driver conforms to the Microsoft NDIS 2.0.1 specification. The NDIS subdirectory on the Configuration and Drivers disk contains the files needed to use the adapter card with one of these operating systems. The files and their purpose are listed below. E100B.DOS: NDIS driver for DOS workstations. E100B.OS2: NDIS driver for servers & OS/2 workstations. E100BEDS.NIF: The Extended Network Information file (NIF) that IBM LAN Support uses during its installation process. Specify the \DOS directory when installing so the installation procedure will find the correct NIF file. E100BEO2.NIF: The Extended Network Information file (NIF) that IBM OS/2 uses during its installation process. Specify the \OS2 directory when installing so the installation procedure will find the correct NIF file. PROTOCOL.INI: A fragment of the general PROTOCOL.INI file. This fragment contains information specific to the Intel adapter. Be sure your file contains this fragment. Some installation procedures create this file for you. This file is provided as an example of what the Intel adapter section could look like. OEMSETUP.INF: The version located in the \DOS subdirectory on the driver disk is used by IBM's LAN requester for DOS version 4.0. Hints and Tips -------------- Parameters for the PROTOCOL.INI file are in the Advanced Settings section. *** *** *** *** *** *** ADVANCED SETTINGS ================= DRIVERNAME: (required) If you have a single adapter, use the syntax in the Sample Configuration File section. If you are installing multiple adapters, each adapter must have a unique driver name. Additional instances of the driver would be referenced by DRIVERNAME=E100Bx$, where "x" is a unique number 2 through 9. SPEED: (optional; parameters are [Auto / 10 / 100]) The parameter disables Auto-Speed Detect and causes the adapter to function at the speed indicated. If the FORCEDUPLEX parameter is assigned to either 1 or 2, the SPEED parameter is required because auto-speed sensing is disabled if the duplex mode is forced. Auto-negotiate devices cannot detect speed changes in this configuration until the driver is reloaded. [Example: SPEED=100] FORCEDUPLEX: Full duplex and auto-negotiate capabilities vary between the PRO/100 TX and the PRO/100 T4 adapters. PRO/100+ TX adapter: Supports auto-negotiate, full and half duplex at 10 or 100 Mbps. PRO/100B T4 adapter: Supports full and half duplex at 10 Mbps; supports only half duplex at 100 Mbps. Auto- negotiate is not a valid option at either speed. This parameter disables Auto-Negotiate capability and forces the adapter to operate in Half or Full Duplex mode. The SPEED parameter must be specified and must be valid if the default of Auto-negotiate is changed. Options for FORCEDUPLEX are Auto (for auto-negotiate), 1 (for half), 2 (for full). [Example: FORCEDUPLEX = 2] SLOT: (required for multiple adapters) This parameter is optional if only one adapter is present. If it is specified but is incorrect, a message indicates that the value doesn't match the configuration but the driver finds the adapter and loads anyway. This parameter is required if more than one adapter is present in either one bus or multiple PCI buses of a system. The parameter tells the driver which adapter it controls. The SLOT number is the encoded value of the PCI adapter's device location. To determine the slot number, load the driver with only the DRIVERNAME parameter specified. The driver reports all the slots that have PCI adapter(s) installed. You can determine which card is in which slot by using SETUP.EXE and matching the Ethernet addresses of the adapter to the device number specified in View Configuration. [Example: SLOT=0x1C] NODE: (optional) This value sets the adapter's Individual Address, overriding the value read from the adapter EEprom. The address must consist of 12 hexadecimal digits, enclosed in double quotes. The value can not be all zeros. The value can not have the Multicast bit set. So, use only the hexadecimal digits 2, 6, A, or E as the second digit of the twelve required in the NODE ADDRESS parameter. Use any hexadecimal digits in all other positions. [Example: NODE ="02AA00123456"] * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.