OS/2 Video Device Driver for Chips And Technologies 65550/554/555 Flat Panel/CRT Graphics Accelerator 1.0 Compatibility ----------------- This driver is designed to function with OS/2 Version 2.11, 3.0 and 4.0 operating systems. 2.0 Hardware ------------ These drivers support Chips And Technologies 65550/554/555 Flat Panel/CRT graphics accelerator adapters in a PCI or VL Bus configuration. 3.0 Supported Features ---------------------- This graphics accelerator driver is designed to function as a 32-bit Presentation Manager graphics display driver under the OS/2 32 bit graphics engine, and provides Seamless Windows 3.1 support. This display driver also supports setting the CRT screen refresh rate using the System-Settings notebook in the OS/2 System Setup folder. 3.1 Supported Resolutions ------------------------- Supported resolutions are provided based on availablity in Video BIOS. Not all systems have all resolutions provided, and may be display mode ( LCD/Simul/CRT ) dependent. 8 Bit/Pixel 640x480x256, 800x600x256, 1024x768x256 16 Bit/Pixel 640x480x64K, 800x600x64K, 1024x768x64K 24 Bit/Pixel 640x480x16M 4.0 Driver Installation ----------------------- 4.1 Preliminary Steps --------------------- The following steps must be performed before you install the display driver: 1. OS/2 DOS Support must be installed. 2. If you previously installed SVGA support, you must reset the system to VGA mode. VGA is the default video mode enabled when OS/2 is installed. To restore VGA mode, use Selective Install and select VGA for Primary Display. For more information on this procedure, see the section on Changing Display Adapter Support in the OS/2 Users Guide. 4.2 Installing from Diskette ---------------------------- To install this driver, do the following steps: 1. Open an OS/2 full screen or windowed session. 2. Place the 65550/554/555 Display Driver Diskette in drive A. 3. At the OS/2 command prompt, type the following commands to copy the files to the OS/2 drive: Type A: to make this the default drive. Type SETUP A: C: where A: is the floppy disk drive and C: is the hard disk partition containing \OS2 When the Setup Program is completed, you will need to perform a shutdown and then restart the system in order for changes to take effect. A log of the information output during the install can be found in :\OS2\INSTALL\DISPLAY.LOG 4. After restarting the system, perform the following steps: 1. Open the OS/2 System folder. 2. Open the System Setup folder. 3. Open the Display Driver Install Object This step will execute the Display Driver Installation ( DSPINSTL ) utility program to finish installation of the new drivers. 4. When the Display Driver Install window appears, select Primary Display and then select OK. 5. When The Primary Display Driver List window appears, select "Chips and Technologies 65550/554/555" from the list of adapter types, then select OK to install the video driver. 6. When the installation is complete, you will need to shutdown and then restart the system for the changes to take effect. Make sure to remove the install diskette before restarting the system. When the system has restarted, the display driver will be initialized for 640x480x256 Color, 60Hz refresh. To switch to a different video resolution color depth, or refresh rate, follow the steps below. 4.3 Selecting Monitor Type -------------------------------------------- Monitor type is initially set to DEFAULT. This DEFAULT setting may not allow you to select all resolution/refresh combinations that are available for your monitor. The following steps can be done to select monitor type. This section applies only after installation, or when a different monitor is used. 1. Open the OS/2 System folder. 2. Open the System Setup folder. 3. Open the System object. 4. When the System - Settings notebook appears, select the Screen tab. This will take you to page 2 of the settings. 5. On Screen page 2, select your monitor type from the Display Name list. If your monitor is not listed, select DEFAULT. Return to Screen page 1. It may be necessary to restart your system to have all refresh rate options available. 4.4 Selecting Screen Resolution/Refresh Rate -------------------------------------------- To switch to a different video resolution, color depth or refresh rate, follow the steps below. 1. Open the OS/2 System folder. 2. Open the System Setup folder. 3. Open the System object. 4. From the selection windows provided, select a new Screen Resolution and Screen refresh rate. Please note, Refresh rates, other than 60Hz, are only valid when the display is switched to CRT only display mode. 5. Close the System-Settings notebook. 6. Perform a shutdown and restart for the changes to take effect. 4.4 Installation Notes ---------------------- 1. During the installation of this driver, DISPLAY.LOG and DSPINSTL.LOG files are created in \OS2\INSTALL directory. These files identify the OS/2 system files that were updated and indicate whether the install was successful. The DISPLAY.LOG file also contains a string which identifies the version of driver that was installed. This information may be important when reporting an installation problem. 2. During installation, DSPINSTL will invoke the SVGA Configuration program SVGA.EXE to determine the hardware configuration, and create the file \OS2\INSTALL\SVGADATA.PMI. If this file is not created, the adapter will not be supported. When this step is done, the display will be blanked, and you may see a series of flashes on the display, and what appears to be a "corrupted" display. This is normal, as the configuration process is doing Video BIOS mode sets to determine which screen resolutions BIOS supports. This configuration information is then used to provide the System-Settings Resolution and Refresh selections. 5.0 WIN-OS/2 Sessions --------------------- Please note the following limitations regarding WIN-OS/2. 1. It is recommended that the user start all WIN-OS/2 sessions via one of the WIN-OS/2 icons in the Command Prompts folder. 2. The WIN-OS/2 session settings for both WIN-OS/2 Full Screen and WIN-OS/2 Window should be set to Enhanced Capability. The default setting is Standard Mode. If this setting is not changed, Windows will not run correctly. To make this change, do the following: 1. Open the OS/2 System Folder. 2. Open Command Prompts Folder. 3. Place the mouse pointer over WIN-OS/2 Full Screen ( or WIN-OS/2 Window ) icon and press mouse button 2 ( right button) to bring up the menu. 4. Select Settings. 5. Place the mouse pointer over the Session tab, and select by pressing mouse button 1 ( left button ). 6. Place mouse pointer over Win-OS/2 Settings, and select by pressing mouse button 1 ( left button ). 7. From the Win-OS/2 Settings - Categories, select All DOS and WIN-OS/2 Settings and then select OK. 8. From the list of settings that appear, make sure that WIN_RUN_MODE is set to Enhanced Capability, and then "Save" these settings. 3. Do not start WIN-OS/2 in a DOS or OS/2 Window. The system does not support the enhanced video mode being used in a window, and therefore will not run. 4. When running a full screen WIN-OS/2 session, do not use ALT-HOME to switch to Windowed DOS session. 5. The Windows SYSTEM.INI file may need to be modified to select the correct mouse driver for use on the target system. The default is MOUSE.DRV=MOUSE.DRV. Some manufacturers may use a different mouse driver than the default, and the driver may reside in a directory other than the Windows root directory. In SYSTEM.INI, you will find two statements that specify the filename of the current mouse driver, MOUSE.DRV= and OS2MOUSE.DRV= . Make sure that OS2MOUSE.DRV= specifies the same mouse driver and path as MOUSE.DRV= . Example: MOUSE.DRV=LMOUSE.DRV ; installed by Windows OS2MOUSE.DRV=LMOUSE.DRV ; installed by OS/2 Install If OS2MOUSE.DRV does not point to the correct mouse driver, then WIN-OS/2 Full Screen and WIN-OS/2 Window sessions will not run. 6.0 Installation Diskette Copy ------------------------------ For proper installation of OS/2 drivers, all diskette copies must be properly labeled "CTDISP 1". To copy the OS/2 Display Driver Diskette, do the following steps: 1. Copy all files on the OS/2 Display Driver Diskette as you normally would onto another diskette. 2. Place the diskette copy in drive A. At the C:\ prompt, type LABEL A: CTDISP 1 to properly label your diskette. Then store your diskette copy in a safe place. 7.0 Installation on Merlin ( OS/2 4.0 ) --------------------------------------- If you are installing these drivers on Merlin and you receive the following error message: "This fixpack is intended for OS/2 versions 4.00,3.01,3.00,2.11,2.10 only !" the install script has not correctly identified the Merlin version id. This will require editing SETUP.CMD on this disk to function correctly. Find the following source lines in SETUP.CMD: IF ERRORLEVEL 210 set dsc=%src%\prereqs.dsc&& set cfg=%src%\vcfginst.exe&& GOTO VER_WARP GOTO VER_NOT_OK :VER_MERLIN copy %src%\chipm*.dsc %trg%\os2\install\chips*.dsc >NUL Change these lines as follows: IF ERRORLEVEL 210 set dsc=%src%\prereqs.dsc&& set cfg=%src%\vcfginst.exe&& GOTO VER_WARP set dsc=%src%\prereqs.dsc :VER_MERLIN copy %src%\chipm*.dsc %trg%\os2\install\chips*.dsc >NUL The install will now default to Merlin, and the drivers will get installed correctly. Reference section 4.2 above and start install again.