Problem 1 --------- The following installation symptom MAY appear during LAN9000-series network adapter installation with Windows NT v4.0: message: 'Setup unable to obtain information about adapter from associated .DLL file.' . Solution: * Exit (or cancel) the networking installation. * Open the WINNT/SYSTEM32/ directory. * Look for the file LANNCDET.DLL (30,208 bytes) and delete it. * (Important) Replace the LANNCDET.DLL file with the one provided on your installation diskette (46,376 bytes). * Open 'Network' from Control Panel. * Install networking. Problem 2 --------- If you try to install two LAN9000 boards on same machine, the card installed later will show a yellow bang on itself and will not work. This problem has been duplicated on other vendor cards as well. We believe this is a Windows 95 OSR2(4.00.950 B) problem as this symptom doesn't arise on Windows 95 Retail version (4.00.950). We will update our customers if Microsoft or us find any solution for this issue.