******************************************************************************* * Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel (R) * products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to * any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as * provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel * assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or * implied warranty, relating sale and/or use of Intel products or this * document, including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a * particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, * copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are * not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining * applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product * descriptions at any time, without notice. * * Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1998. * * Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective * owners. ******************************************************************************** Release Notes for Intel 82559 Network Driver for VxWorks* version 5.3.1 (4.4 BSD\SENS). This driver requires the Wind River Systems* Tornado* version 1.0.1 release and version 5.3.1 of the Wind River Systems VxWorks real time operating system. This driver was tested using the following Intel Network Interface Cards (NIC): 1. Intel Pro/100+ PCI Adapter (82557 based S-Specification # S82557 SZ758). 2. Intel EtherExpress(TM) Pro/100+ PCI Adapter (82558 based S-Specification #SB82558 SL2P4). 3. Intel Pro/100 Management PCI Adapter (82559 based S-Specification #GD82559Q406). SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tornado Setup -------------------- 1. Install Tornado from the Tornado 1.0.1 CD (TDK-12217-ZC-07). 2. The Installation Key to use is : See your order information from WRS 3. When the option box appears indicating what features to install, uncheck the box for "WindNet SENS: i86" and continue the installation. 4. For Developers only: Install the BSP Developer's Kit from the Tornado Drivers Kit CD (TDK-12292-ZC-01). 5. Reinsert the Tornado 1.0.1 CD and when the option box appears, uncheck everything EXCEPT "WindNet SENS: i86" and continue the installation. 6. Reboot the system. 7. Go to a DOS screen and locate or create a license directory. Ex: C:\Tornado\.wind\license 8. Go to the following directory: C\Tornado\host\x86-win32\bin and run wlmadmin. Ex: wlmadmin -c -e c:\Tornado\.wind\license. 9. The previous command will prompt the user for a number of hosts; press enter to use the default. 10. Next a hostcode ID will be generated for the host machine followed by a request for a key. Email the entire hostcode ID to license@wrs.com. and they will return a license key. 11. Repeat steps 8-10 and input the new license key. NT Configuration -------------------- 1. If not already installed, install Microsoft Peer Web Services from the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 CD. Open Peer Web Services, go to the Internet Service Manager and bring up the properties for FTP. Under 'Service' insure that "Allow Anonymous Connections" is checked. 2. Under 'Directories' insure that the Tornado directory where the image will reside is added as a home directory. Ex: C:\Tornado\target\config\pc486. 3. Go to the User Manager (Start->Adminstrative Tools->User Manager) and add a new user along with a corresponding password. 4. TCP\IP and networking must also be installed on both the target and host machines. Take note of the IP addresses Installation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following instructions detail the modifications to the BSP source files needed to include and run the eevER driver. It's a good idea to back up the original files in the c:\Tornado\target\config\pc486 directory before you begin. Place the following new files in the directory: eeV_44_DRV.o, eeVconfig.h and eeVsysNetif.c. 1. Modify the Makefile as shown below so that the Intel 82559 driver's object module will be included in the link of your BSP. ****************** Makefile ****************** MACH_EXTRA = eeVER_44_DRV.o 2. Include the eeVconfig.h file in the config.h file directly after the #define INCLUDE_FEI. ****************** config.h ****************** #include "eeVERconfig.h" 3. Modify the sysLib.c file of your BSP directory to include the PCI initialization call for the eevER driver. Search for the #ifdef INCLUDE_FEI directive in the SysLib.c file and add the code directly above it. ****************** sysLib.c ****************** #ifdef INCLUDE_eevER syseevERPciInit (); #endif /* INCLUDE_eevER */ ` 4. Add the following code the sysNetIf.c file directly above the "#ifdef INCLUDE_FEI" directive. ****************** sysNetIf.c ****************** #ifdef INCLUDE_eevER #include "eevERsysNetif.c" #endif /* INCLUDE_eevER */ 5. Comment out the following line in the mkboot.c file. ****************** mkboot.c****************** #include "tffs/tffsDrv.h" Building\Running Image ---------------------------------- After the code modifications are completed the image(s) may be built. Bootline -------------------- The bootline in the config.h must reflect the correct IP addresses of the target and host, username and password of the user added in user manager, hostname, targetname and most importantly the location of the image file. EX: #define DEFAULT_BOOT_LINE \ "eevER(0,0)dev:\\vxWorks h= e= u=demo pw=demo tn=target1" h -> host IP address e -> target IP address u -> username specified in User Manager pw -> password of username tn -> target name eeE -> driver name dev -> host name The vxWorks image in this scenario is located in the pc486 BSP directory. Compilation -------------------- 1. From a DOS prompt, go to the c:\Tornado\host\x86-win32\bin directory and type "torVars" to source the environment variables. 2. Go to the BSP directory, c:\Tornado\target\config\pc486 and type "make VxWorks". This will produce two files, vxWorks and vxWorks.st. 3. From the current directory, type "make bootrom_uncmp". 4. Place a clean floppy into the A: drive. In the DOS window, type "mkboot a: bootrom_uncmp". Check in the output of this command that the bootrom.sys file is contiguous. If the file is non-contiguous, format the floppy and try again. Note: The files on the floppy must be non-contiguous. Target Server -------------------- From the Tornado taskbar go to Tools->Target Server->Configure. Select "NEW" to create a new target server window. Enter a "Description" and the "Target Server Name". Select wdbrpc as the available backend and input the IP address of the target in the corresponding location. Under the Change Property pull down menu select "Core File and Symbols". Select "File" and fill in the location of the vxWorks file. Under the Change Property pull down menu again, select "Miscelleneous". Check the box for "Create Target Server Window". Under the Change Property pull down menu again, return to "Back End" and hit "OK". The target server is now created and will be show up under Tools->Target Server as the "description" that was given it earlier. Testing -------------------- 1. Place the boot floppy in the target system and start the system. 2. After the target has completely come up from the Tornado window on the host, attach the target server - Tools->Target Server->%Your description% 3. From the pulldown menu on the toolbar, select the target name EX: target@dev. 4. Bring up a tornado shell - Tools->Shell. 5. The vxBlaster and vxBlastee tests may now be executed from within the tornado shell. * Other names and brands are property of their respective owners.