Chips and Technologies, Inc. Release Notes 65550/554/555,68554 Display Driver Package for OS/2 These drivers function with the 65550,65554,68554 and 65555 video controllers. Revision: 2.2.9 November 4, 1997 ==================================== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. 65550/554/555 - Cursor does not work correctly in SM/FP modes when graphics stretching is enabled. 2. WinOS2 Windowed ( Seamless ) does not start correctly when graphics stretching is enabled. Fails with SYS3175 message. Revision: 2.2.8 June 4, 1997 ==================================== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. 65550/554/555 - Activity Timer reset by I/O activity during idle. Panel OFF mode was never entered. Revision: 2.2.7 April 23, 1997 ==================================== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. 65554 only - Starting DOS Window or OS/2 Window when running 1024x768x64K screen resolution will show "garbage" characters. This was due to a memory sizing error in SVGA.EXE. 2. Cursor bounds were incorrect when running any graphics mode which had graphics stretching enabled. Revision: 2.2.6 March 27, 1997 ==================================== 1. Added 85 Hz refresh selection. Revision: 2.2.5 March 18, 1997 ==================================== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. DrawBorder does not draw correctly when flCmd argument specifies DB_AREAMIXMODE. H/W Raster Operations used to implement mix modes were not correct. This only affects DB_AREAMIXMODE. All other DB_ROP options function correctly. Revision: 2.2.4 February 20, 1997 ==================================== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. Install on OS/2 2.11 fails. Recompiled PM Driver to be compatible with OS/2 2.11. This does not effect driver function on Warp 3.0 or 4.0. 2. All video components used to implement INT 10 and Multi-Refresh support are at Warp 4.0 level. 3. SVGA.EXE was incorrectly determining Video Memory size. Revision: 2.2.3 December 06, 1996 ==================----============== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. When moving Digital Video window, image would get corrupted or only display magenta overlay color. 2. Video memory sizing incorrect for 65554. 3. Panning detection incorrect for 16M color modes. 4. Warp 4.0 install should not copy old version DSPINSTL.EXE. Revision: 2.2.2 November 22, 1996 =================================== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. When selecting Digital Video in Multimedia folder, no picture was being drawn in video window. Revision: 2.2.1 October 23, 1996 ================================== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. Installation of Lotus Notes v3.3 or earlier would cause accelerator "hang", requiring re-boot. 2. Restore of non-Int 2F enabled WIN-OS/2 Full Screen sessions when runnning 64K or 16M color video modes. This problem only occured if WIN-OS/2 session was started from DOS Full Screen. Revision: 2.2.0 October 07, 1996 =================================== The following reported problems have been fixed in this release: 1. Starting WIN-OS2 Full Screen session in Background. 2. Switching to default LCD resolution when starting CRT Only resolution in LCD environment ( No CRT attached ) did not update Windows SYSTEM.INI settings correctly. Revision: 2.1.1 September 18, 1996 ==================================== 1. Fixed problem with video corruption when DOS Window is started. Revision: 2.1.0 August 23, 1996 ================================= 1. Initial release of drivers which use INT 10 enabled VDD and BVH, and provide Multiple Refresh support.