======================== OS/2 Driver Installation ======================== These drivers are designed to function with the OS/2 Version 3 and 2.1x operating systems. -------------------- Driver Diskette Copy -------------------- NOTE: Diskette copies of the OS/2 drivers must have a VOLUME LABEL that reads "CTDISP 1" in order to be an installable diskette. To copy the OS/2 Display Driver Diskette, follow these instructions: Step 1: Copy all files on the OS/2 Display Driver Diskette as you normally would onto another diskette. Step 2: Place the diskette copy in drive A. At the C:\ prompt, type LABEL A: CTDISP 1 to properly label your diskette. Then store your diskette copy in a safe place. For proper installation of OS/2 drivers, all diskette copies must be properly labeled "CTDISP 1". ------------------- Driver Installation ------------------- NOTE: Always use the INSTxx.CMD for the FIRST installation of the video device drivers. To change video resolutions, follow Step 4 below. To install the drivers, follow these instructions: Step 1: The system display must be set to VGA mode before installing the OS/2 SVGA drivers. Open an OS/2 full screen or windowed session. Step 2: Place the OS/2 Display Driver Diskette in drive A. Type A: to make this the default drive. Then type INST2X A: C: (for OS/2 2.1x systems) or INSTALL A: C: (for OS/2 Version 3 systems). Once the Install Program is completed, do a system shutdown and reboot. Step 3: After the system has rebooted, follow these instructions: A) OS/2 2.1x Open an OS/2 full-screen or windowed session. At the OS/2 prompt, type DSPINSTL to install the new device driver and configure the video system. B) OS/2 Version 3 Go to the System Setup folder and run Selective Install to install the new device driver and configure the video system. First, select Primary Display. From the list of Primary Display Adapter Types, select the Chips and Technologies, Inc. display driver. Click on OK. Click on Install. The correct source directory must be specified. Once the installation is complete, the system must be shut down and restarted for changes to take effect. By default, your system will come with 640x480x256 screen resolution. This resolution can be changed from the SYSTEM icon. Once the resolution is changed, the system must be shutdown and restarted for the changes to take effect. Step 4: Open the System icon. Select the desired resolution and do a shutdown. The new resolution will take effect after restart.