*********************Beta Drivers for Windows 95****************** Version Number: 4.02.11 Date: 12/23/96 Supported Chips: 9320,9440,9470,9660,968X,938X. ****************************************************************** These beta display drivers are for video cards based on the Trident 9320, 9440, 9470, 9660, 968X, and 938X chip sets. For Technical Support, please try to contact the manufacturer of your video card. If you do not know who manufactured your video card, ask your retailer for assistance. Procedure to install display drivers: 1. Go to Windows 95. 2. Click the Windows 95 Start button. 3. Select Settings. 4. Select Control Panel. 5. Double click the Display Icon. 6. Click the Settings tab. 7. Click on Change Display Type... 8. Under "Adapter Type", click Change. 9. Click Have Disk... 10. Type the path to where the drivers are located, and click O.K. (example: A:\ if the driver files are located in the A drive) 11. Click O.K. There should only be one compatible driver listed. If you see more than one driver listed, make sure that the "Show Compatible Device button is selected. 14. Click Close. 15. Click Apply. 16. Click Yes to restart your Windows 95.