This file outlines the installation of the STPC video drivers. These drivers are designed for the STPC hardware under version 1.12 of Photon. The following four files are required for the STPC drivers. Confirm the sizes for each of the files: Pg.STPC 129682 Pg.STPCdc 123896 STPCbios.trap 76063 crttrap.list 271 Copy the files to a dos formated floppy, then place the floppy in the board floppy drive To start type the following QNX command: # sin ver This will tell you if Fsys.floppy and Dosfsys is running, if not type these QNX commands: # Fsys.floppy & # Dosfsys & Now your dos floppy is mounted as /dos/a Back-up any existing files that would be over-written by these new files. example : # cp /usr/photon/bin/crt/crttrap.list /usr/photon/bin/crt/ To copy from the dos floppy use the command: # cp /dos/a/ & copy the files to the following directories *IMPORTANT*: Copying the files to a DOS floppy changes the filenames so you must ensure the files are copied to the exact filenames below including case. /usr/photon/bin/Pg.STPC /usr/photon/bin/Pg.STPCdc /usr/photon/bin/crt/STPCbios.trap /usr/photon/bin/crt/crttrap.list *IMPORTANT*:Check the file permission and ownership. When transferring the files to QNX from a Windows system, the permssions are typically changed. Use the following command to change permissions to match below: #chmod 777 -rwsrwxr-x root root Pg.STPC -rwsrwxr-x root root Pg.STPCdc -rwsrwxr-x root root STPCbios.trap -rw-rw-r-- root root crttrap.list You should now be able to change directories to the root ('/') of your filesystem and run the following two commands from the command line: # crttrap clear # crttrap trap NOTE: crttrap is a QNX utility used to detect the video driver. You should now be able to run Photon using the STPC drivers. From within the Photon Desktop, select the right button. A pop up menu will appear and you can select Configure Display. Change the resolution and photon will load the STPC graphics drivers. The next time you enter Configure Display, the ST Microelectronics driver will be listed.