CHANGELOG.txt Change history for the EMAC Eclipse 3.1 distribution SDK's and JDK's, as well as individual projects are stored and maintained in EMAC's public CVS at: Server: Repository: /opt/tini Login: som-400em Password: emac-tini NZG EMAC.Inc 3/07/06 R0 - Initial distribution, this had the JDK in the workspace. Users with this distribution will probably need to manually move the JDK before being able to use the CVS effectively. The JDK should be moved into the \eclipse directory. The eclipse shortcut will need to be modified to correctly point to the new location of javaw. Once this is accomplished you should be able to download the rest of the updates from the CVS. - NZG R1 - Moved the JDK out of the workspace into the root eclipse directory. This allows the project to be updated without breaking eclipse. This makes more sense because the JDK can be used on multiple projects, not just the Tini. - NZG Added limited RAD support. - NZG Updated Welcome.html include a picture of the SOM100ES, and to correctly point at the tini webcvs. - NZG R2 - Changed some of the project preferences and modified the Eclipse EPF to better support reflection of the Tini one wire classes. - NZG Added the EMAC_TINIWebServer project to demonstrate serving up a webpage with time and temperature from a SOM100ES. - NZG R3 - Upgrade to the stable 3.0 eclipse build. Modified the EMAC_TINIWebServer and ReadTemp programs to use a DS1822 economy temperature sensor now populated on SOM100ES carriers. Added preliminary MMC card support with the MMC class and SOM100ES test upgrade. - NZG R4 - Removed some MMC debug statements that got left behind on R3- NZG Added support for the socket Modem and 2 test programs ISP_dial and loopback.- NZG Modified build.xml files appropriatly.- NZG Removed the temp directory which got accidentally left in on R3- NZG R5 - Provided an external zip file of the project, for replacing old distros without replacing the entire Eclipse directory.-NZG Added the Linux eclipse install to the disto, currently it does not include a JDK as The RXTX JavaKit is not working yet due to unresolved permissions problems. -NZG Added support for all the Tini SDK's up to 1.14 in the distro and buildfiles.- NZG Fixed bug in MMC class that prevented some MMC cards from initializing correctly. -NZG Added Tynamo Example - NZG Added pre-compiled libraries for all SDK's and moved them to a central location - NZG Renamed all tini SDK's to have a common terminology-NZG Documentation cleanup - NZG R6 - Preliminary Support for the new SoM-100ESR2 -NZG R7 Small bug fixes for the new SoM-100ESR2 -NZG R8 Fixed some compilation issues with the tlibs files R9 Added support for 1.5 and 1.6 OS's R1.0 Upgrade to new Eclipse 3.1 Addition of SoM-5282EM support R1.1 Some small bug fixes to the External-Tool-Builder. Addition of Burn-in project for the SoM-400EM project(used to test EMAC boards in house) R1.2 AtoD and DtoA projects for the SoM-5282EM R1.3 Added Modbus support and the show demo. EMAC Open Tools Replaced old manual installation method with automated NULLSOFT install. EMAC Open Tools-R1 Several new project additions to SoM-5282M, Documentation update EMAC iPAC support remote debugging for the SoM-5282M EMAC Open Tools-R2 CAN support for the E12 SDK,as well as a couple project additions and documentation. Added JDK 1.4.2 license agreement requirement to the installer. Added component descriptions to the installer. EMAC Open Tools-R3 Upgrade to Eclipse Callisto. Upgrade to Tynamo1.0.3. External MTK program replaces Javakit. Support for Tini1.17. Removed JDK completetly due to questionable licensing. Replaced with Intact JRE5 SE installer which only installs at system level if needed. Uses system JRE for runtime. Java development now uses Eclipse's native Javac. MMC/SD fixes for SoM-400M MMC Class, now supports more SD/MMC cards. Overhauled build system, moved most duplicatable complexities to top level properties file. Added cgi webserver example to SoM-5282M Removed Eclipse history from the installed version Expanded HC12 projects, examples of module replacement. Improved, updated, and expanded documentation Added Documentation folder for shared project documentation. Spiffy new installer icon